
But who is really driving the Chinese market, which has quadrupled in value in two years? The new retail investors have captured all the headlines, yet some market-watchers believe they are just one part of a much broader surge in stock-buying, which contains the seeds of potentially big problems for the government.
According to a provocative new analysis from Fraser Howie, an investment banker and author of a book on China's stock markets, the role of retail investors has been exaggerated. Instead, Mr Howie says, around $225bn of shares – or nearly half the float – are owned by less conventional fund managers.
He believes a significant chunk of shares has been bought over the last year by different parts of the government, such as state-owned companies, local government units, the police and the army. Such investments are impossible to prove but he argues the same thing happened during the last bull market, which ended in 2001, and accountability of government spending at local level remains weak.
Some of his impressions are supported by other investors. “It was the big, cash-rich state-owned enterprises, particularly the tobacco companies, that were the main drivers of the market until the end of last year,” says Chris Ruffle, co-chairman of MC China, a subsidiary of Martin Currie Investment Management and a large investor in China. “They have so much money they don't know what to do with it, so they put it in the stock market.”
Another significant slice of new money has come into the market from the hundreds of new private investment funds that have sprung up over the last two years, often run by individuals who invest the money of friends and family. In China they are often referred to as hedge funds because they are not regulated, and they usually call themselves “investment consultants”. They are gradually becoming a powerful force in the market. Mr Howie reckons these funds could have $50bn under management, while other estimates go as high as $75bn.
Xiao Jinbin, 32, has a degree in air-conditioning and heating, but in 2005 he left the engineering industry to invest in stocks on behalf of former classmates and relatives. Last year he founded 91 Fund (which sounds in Chinese like “I just want a fund”) and has no concerns about potential market bubbles. “I am confident about the future of China,” he says. “China's splendid civilisation was left behind by the west for various reasons, but we believe our generation will rebuild its glory.”
Mr Howie acknowledges that the retail investment boom is taking place, but he says the numbers for new account openings give an exaggerated impression of the extent of retail investment. He points out that the average number of retail investors subscribing to initial public offerings is only 450,000.
Every quarter, listed Chinese companies have to publish the number of shareholders they have and the most recent total was around 55m. Yet as most investors own stocks in several companies, he says, the actual number of people owning shares is much smaller. He estimates there are only 10m to 20m small investors trading their own accounts, who own around one-fifth of the shares traded on mainland exchanges and he says they are not the decisive factor.
“The market is not being driven by accounts held by old ladies or farmers from Guangxi,” he says.
While the real ownership of the stock market is impossible to pin down, Mr Howie's analysis poses important questions about what might happen if there is a sharp crash in share prices. The losers would not just be the small, retail investors who piled into the market when it was already relatively expensive, but could also include government organs and state-owned companies.
With speculation mounting that the government will take action to try to burst a perceived bubble in the market, such investments would add to the complicated vested interests that the authorities already face.
“I would hate to be the market regulator at the moment,” says Mr Howie
投资银行家弗雷泽•豪伊(Fraser Howie)一项颇具煽动性的分析研究表明,散户投资者的作用被夸大了。相反,豪伊表示,大约有2250亿美元的股票(相当于流通市值的一半),都掌握在不甚保守的基金管理机构手中。豪伊曾写过一本有关中国股市的书。
他的一些主张得到了其他投资者的支持。马丁可利投资管理有限公司(Martin Currie Investment)中国业务联席主席克里斯•拉夫尔(Chris Ruffle)说:“在去年底之前,推动市场的主要力量是那些现金充沛的大型国有企业,尤其是烟草公司。他们拥有太多的资金,不知道该如何处理,因此就将它们投入了股市。”马丁可利也是中国市场上一个大型投资机构。
32岁的肖进斌(音译)毕业于空调及供暖专业,但他在2005年离开了工程行业,转而代以前的同学和亲戚投资股票。去年他建立了“91基金”(91 Fund,中文发音像“就要基金”),而且并不担心潜在的市场泡沫。“我对中国的未来非常有信心,”他表示。“出于种种原因,中国光辉灿烂的文明被西方文明抛在了后面,但我们相信,我们这代人将再造辉煌。”
Headhunters and chief executives say top-flight Indian managers, particularly in fields such as financial services, are now so demanding in salary negotiations that they are pricing expatriates back into the job market.
“We see a clear trend,” said Preety Kumar, managing partner of Amrop International, a recruitment firm. “In the last three years the proportion of expatriate managers hired for positions in India has gone up from 5 per cent to 15 per cent.”
“我们看到了一种清晰的趋势,”招聘公司Amrop International管理合伙人普里提•库马尔(Preety Kumar)表示,“在过去3年中,在印度任职的外国经理人比例从5%升到了15%。”
meridians and collaterals--经络部分术语
刺灸 Acupunture and Moxibustion 针 needle 针刺手法 needling techniques 针刺补泻 reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling 行针 manipulating the needle 提 lifting 插 thrusting 捻 swirling 转 rotating 皮内针 intradermal needle 头针 scalp-acupuncture 水针 hydro-acupuncture 耳针 ear-acupuncture 针感 needling sensation 针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia 灸法 moxibustion 艾绒 moxa woool 化脓灸 blistering moxibustion 瘢痕灸 scarring moxibustion 艾炷灸 moxibustion with moxa cone 灯火灸 lamp moxibustion 温针灸 warm needling method
The meridians and collaterals are pathways along which qi and blood circulate through the whole body. The meridians are the major trunks of the meridian-collateral system and run longitudinally within the body, while the collaterals are the branches of the meridians and are reticularly distributed over the whole body. Hence, the meridians and collaterals, connecting the zang-fu organs with extremities, the upper with the lower and the internal with ihe external portions of the body, make all the body's organs and tissues an organic whole.
The Composition of the Meridian-Collateral System
The meridian-collateral system consists of meridians and collaterals as well as their subsidiary parts. This system, internally, links the zang-fu organs and, externally, joins the tendons, museles and skin.
The meridians are classified into three categories: the regular meridians and the extra meridians and the divergent meridians. There are twelve regular meridians, namely the three yin meridians as well as the three yang meridians of the hands and feet. They are known collectively as "the twelve regular meridians", which are the main passages for qi and blood circulation and start and terminate at given seats, run along fixed routes and meet indefinite orders. They are directly connected with the relevant zang-fu organs. The eight extra meridians are composed of Du,Ren, Chong, Dai, Yinqiao, Yangqiao, Yinwei and Yangwei meridians. They are interlated with the twelve regular meridians and perform the functions of dominating, connecting and adjusting the twelve regular meridians. And they are not directly related to the internal organs in addition, the twelve divergent meridians are the extensions of the twelve meridians. They originate from the limbs, run deeper into the zang-fu organs and emerge from the shallow neck.
Their action is to enhance the Links between every pair of meridians exteriorly-interiorly related in the twelve meridians and complement the organs and bodily areas to which the regular meridians can not get.
The collaterals are the branches of the meridians. They are divided into three groups: the divergent collaterals, superficial collaterals and tertiary collaterals. The divergent collaterals are the larger and main collaterals. The divergent collaterals originate from the twelve meridians as well as Du and Ren meridians respectively. Together with a large splenic collateral, they are altogether "fifteen divergent collaterals". Their chief task is to strengthen the links between every pair of meridians exteriorly-interiorly related on the body surface. The superficial collaterals are ones that run through the surface layer of the human body, and often emerge on the surface. And the tertiary collaterals refer to the smallest and the thinnest ones of the whole body.
In addition, there are the subsidiary parts of the meridian system, including the twelve skin zones and twelve musculature zones. Therefore, they are the parts that connect the twelve meridians with the superficial portions and the muscular portions of the body respectively. Considering the important place of the twelve meridians and the eight extra meridians in the meridian-collateral system. we are going to take them as the main subject for discussion.
1 ) Hand or foot:
The meridians starting or terminating at the hand are named "Hand", while those starting or terminating at the foot are named "Foot". So the twelve meridians are divided into four groups: three yin meridians of hand, three yang meridians of hand, three yin meridians of foot, and three yang-meridians of foot. Each of the meridian is named according to the medial or the lateral aspect of hand or foot, the names to which zang and fu pertain, and the nature of yin or yang.
2 ) Yin or yang:
The meridians going in the medial aspect of the limbs are named "yin", whereas those in the lateral aspects are named "yang". The medial aspect of the limbs is subdivided into the anterior border, midline and the posterior border. And the yin meridians running through these parts are named Taiyin,Jueyin and Shaoyin respectively. The lateral surface of the limbs is also subdivided into the anterior border, the midline and the posterior border. And yang meridians are termed "Yangming","Shaoyang", and "Taiyang".
3) Zang or fu:
The nomenclature of zang or fu is determined in the light of the nature to which zang or fu pertains. For example, the meridian pertaining to the kidney is named the kidney meridian, and the rest may be deduced by analogy.
To sum up, it is quite evident that there is no name that does not involve hand or foot, yin or yang, zang-organ or fu-organ in the twelve meridian.
Courses, Connections, Distributions, Exterior-lnterior Relations and Flowing Order of the Twelve Meridians
1. The Coursing and Connecting Law of the Twelve Meridians
The coursing and connecting law of the twelve meridians is: the three yin meridians of the hand travel from the chest to the end of the fingers where they connect with the three yang meridians of the hand; the three yang meridians of the hand go up from the end of the fingers to the head on which they connect with the three yang meridians of the foot; the three yang meridians of the foot descend from the head to the the end of toes where they join the three yin meridians of the foot; the three yin meridians of the foot ascend from the toes to the abdomen and chest in which they meet the three yin meridians of the hand. Thus, the twelve meridians are connected with each other, forming a circle like pathway along which yin and yang smoothly circulate without terminus.
2. Distributions and Exterior-Interior Relations of the Twelve Regular Meridians1) Distributions
The twelve meridians are distributed symmetrically on the left and right sides of the body and run along their fixed courses. Distribution in the limbs: The medial aspect of the limbs attributes to yin, the lateral to yang. Each limb is distributed by Taiyin and Yangming meridians are on the anterior border, Shaoyin and Taiyang meridians are on the posterior border, and Jueyin and Shaoyang meridians are on the midline.
Distribution on the head and face: Yangming meridians run through the face and forehead, Taiyang meridians run through the cheek, vertex and occiput of the head and Shaoyang meridians run through both sides of the head.
Distribution in the body trunk: The three yang meridians of hand run through the scapular part. Among the three yang meridians of foot, Yangming meridians run in the front of the trunk (thoracico-abdominal aspect), Taiyang meridians along the back (the dorsal aspect) , and Shaoyang meridians along the sides. All the three yin meridians of the hand come out of the axillae without exception, all the three yin meridians of foot run along the ventral aspect. The meridians running through the ventral aspect from the medial to the lateral are, in turn, termed Foot-Shaoyin, Foot-yangming, Foot-Taiyin and Foot-Jueyin(note: as regards the medial sides of the two lower limbs, at 8cun (24cm) above the medial malleoli, Jueyin is located in theanterior, Taiyin in the middle and Shaoyin in the posterior part.)
The Exterion-Interior Relations between the Twelve Meridians
The twelve regular meridians, connected with each other by the divergent meridians and divergent collaterals, form six pairs of exterior-interior relationships. Their exterior-interior relationships are as follows: the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-yangming and the Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin; the Tri-energizer Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang and the Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin; the Small intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang and the Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin; the Stomach Meridian of Foot-yangming and the spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin; the Gallbladder Meridian of foot-Shaoyang and the Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin; and the Urinary Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang and the Kidney meridian of Foot-Shaoyin. The Taiyang meridianand Shaoyin meridian of foot are exteriorly-interiorly related, and so are the Shaoyang meridian and the Jueyin meridian of foot,and the Yangming meridian and Taiyin meridian of foot. These are called the"yin and yang of foot"; while the Taiyang meridian and the Shaoyin meridian of hand are exteriorly-interiorly related, and so are the Shaoyang and the Jueyin meridians, and the Yangming and the Taiyin meridians of hand. These are called the"yin and yang of hand".
The exterior-interior relationship of the twelve meridians not only strengthen the connection between each specific pair of meridians with exterion-interior relationship, but also promote each pair of zang-fu with the exterior-interior relationship to coordinate each other physiologically and influence each other pathologically. In treatment, acupoints of the two meridians with the exterior-interior relationship may be alternatively used.
3) The Flowing Order of the Twelve Meridians
The circulation of qi and blood inside the Twelve meridians is like the circular movement endlessly. Their circulation starts from the lung meridian of Hand-Taiyin, runs to the liver meridian.
经可以分为三类:正经、奇经和经别。有十二正经即手足三阴三阳经。它们被总称为“十二正经”,是气血循行的主要通道,有固定的起止点,按照一定的路径循行并按一定顺序交接。它们与相对应的脏腑直接相连。奇经八脉由督、任、冲、带、阴蹻、阳蹻、阴维和阳维脉组成 。它们与十二正经相互联系,并行使控制、联系和调节十二正经的功能。另外,它们不与脏腑直接相关。十二经别是十二正经的延续。它们起于四肢,深入脏腑,浅出于项部。它们的作用是加强十二正经表里两经的联系,并补充十二正经所不能到达的脏腑和身体区域。
3. 十二正经的走行规律
Stir Fry Sliced Pork With Orange & Sesame-[dotlife:食]

000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000xiang cheng zhima chao rou pian (Mandarin)
Potala Palace-[dotlife:玩]

Today the Potala Palace is a state museum of China. It is a popular tourist attraction, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and was named by the American television show Good Morning America and newspaper USA Today as one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World".
The site was used as a meditation retreat by King Songtsen Gampo, who in 637 built the first palace there in order to greet his bride Princess Wen Cheng of Tang Dynasty of China, which was incorporated into later buildings. The construction of the present palace began in 1645 under the fifth Dalai Lama, Lozang Gyatso. In 1648, the Potrang Karpo (White Palace) was completed, and the Potala was used as a winter palace by the Dalai Lama from that time. The Potrang Marpo (Red Palace) was added between 1690 and 1694. The name Potala is possibly derived from Mount Potalaka, the mythological abode of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
Built at an altitude of 3,700 m (12,100 ft), on the side of Marpo Ri hill, the Red Mountain in the center of Lhasa Valley, Potala Palace, with its vast inward-sloping walls broken only in the upper parts by straight rows of many windows, and its flat roofs at various levels, is not unlike a fortress in appearance. At the south base of the rock is a large space enclosed by walls and gates, with great porticos on the inner side. A series of tolerably easy staircases, broken by intervals of gentle ascent, leads to the summit of the rock. The whole width of this is occupied by the palace.
White Palace
The White Palace is the part of the Potala Palace that makes up the living quarters of the Dalai Lama. The first White Palace was built during the lifetime of the fifth Dalai Lama in the 1650s then was extended to its size today by the thirteenth Dalai Lama in the early twentieth century. The palace was for secular uses and contained the living quarters, offices, the seminary and the printing house. A central, yellow-painted courtyard known as a Deyangshar separates the living quarters of the Lama and his monks with the Red Palace, the other side of the sacred Potala which is completely devoted to religious study and prayer. It contains the sacred gold stupas—the tombs of eight Dalai Lamas—the monks assembly hall, numerous chapels and shrines, and libraries for the important Buddhist scriptures, the Kangyur in 108 volumes and the Tengyur with 225. The yellow building at the side of the White Palace in the courtyard between the main palaces houses giant banners embroidered with holy symbols which hung across the south face of the Potala during New Year festivals.
Red Palace
The Red Palace is part of the Potala palace that is completely devoted to religious study and Buddhist prayer. It consists of a complicated layout of many different halls, chapels and libraries on many different levels with a complex array of smaller galleries and winding passages:
The Great West Hall
The main central hall of the Red Palace is the Great West Hall which consists of four great chapels that proclaim the glory and power of the builder of the Potala, the Fifth Dalai Lama. The hall is noted for its fine murals reminiscent of Persian miniatures, depicting events in the fifth Dalai Lamas life. The famous scene of his visit to Emperor Shun Zhi in Beijing is located on the east wall outside the entrance. Special cloth from Bhutan wraps the Hall's numerous columns and pillars.
The Saint's Chapel
The North Chapel
The South Chapel
The East Chapel
The West Chapel
The First Gallery
The Second Gallery
The Third Gallery
The Tomb of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama
Bronze Age

The earliest known tin bronzes are from Iran and Iraq and date to the late 4th millennium BC, but there are claims of an earlier appearance of tin bronze in Thailand in the 5th millennium BC. Arsenical bronzes were made in Anatolia and on both sides of the Caucasus by the early 3rd millennium BC. Some scholars date some arsenical bronze artefacts of the Maykop culture in the North Caucasus as far back as the mid 4th millennium BC, which would make them the oldest known bronzes, but others date the same Maykop artefacts to the mid 3rd millennium BC.
Bronze artifacts were exhumed in historic site of Majiayao culture (3100 BC to 2700 BC) of China. However, it is commonly accepted that China's Bronze Age began from around 2100 BC during the Xia dynasty.
The Erlitou culture, Shang Dynasty and Sanxingdui culture of early China used bronze vessels for rituals as well as farming implements and weapons.
Wen Jiabao, the premier, provided confirmation of the seriousness of the crisis with a weekend visit to a market in Shaanxi, where he said farmers should help “resolve the problem” of providing meat for China's 1.3bn people.
Pork prices have risen by as much as 30 per cent in Chinese cities over the last week. According to the agriculture ministry, wholesale prices for pigs have gone up even more, rising 71.3 per cent since April.
China's 500m-odd pigs are the country's most important source of affordable meat, and any sustained interruption in supply would be a major political problem for the government.
While the price of feed, such as corn, has risen, the main culprit is an epidemic of a mysterious illness known as ‘blue ear' disease, as well as the more common foot-and-mouth affliction.
“I have heard it has killed as many as 20m hogs,” an industry executive said yesterday.
The government has not issued any estimate of how many pigs have been struck by disease and China's size and the number of small producers make it difficult quickly to obtain reliable figures.
But the impact of the shortage of pork is apparent in many areas, from sausage makers switching meats, to rising offal prices, and attempts by Hong Kong to import meat from South America.
China cannot easily find competitively priced pork to replace the shortfall at home, because of its own health-related restrictions on imports from South America, where prices are relatively low. US and European pork is relatively expensive.
BoC said yesterday it would seek shareholder authorisation at its June 14 annual general meeting to sell “renminbi-denominated bonds in Hong Kong for an amount not exceeding Rmb3bn”.
It did not specify when a sale might happen.
In January, the Hong Kong and Chinese governments announced that mainland financial institutions would be permitted to issue renminbi bonds in the territory.
Last month, China Construction Bank signalled its intention to sell up to Rmb5bn in subordinated bonds in Hong Kong.
According to Haizhou Huang, at Barclay's Capital in Hong Kong, the launch of the first overseas renminbi investment vehicle was symbolically important.
“It's potentially a major step forward towards capital account liberalisation,” he said.
Hong Kong government and financial authorities had lobbied for the reform ever since the city's banks were allowed to accept renminbi deposits from local residents in 2003 and from selected businesses two years later.
The territory hopes to establish itself as an offshore centre for renminbi business, as China experiments with measures to liberalise its closed capital account.
Hong Kong's renminbi pool remains small. According to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, as of the end of March the territory's banks held just Rmb25.2bn in renminbi deposits.
Renminbi deposits have failed to take off in Hong Kong partly because interest rates remain paltry, as local banks are not allowed to re-lend deposits in mainland China. Banks and depositors are therefore expected to flock to higher interest-bearing bonds issued by the likes of BoC and CCB.
“Hong Kong banks are not allowed to invest their renminbi in a meaningful way,” Mr Huang said. “Bonds will help generate demand for renminbi and grow a more liquid market in Hong Kong.”
巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)驻香港的黄海洲表示,在海外发行首只人民币投资工具,具有重要的象征意义。

Many are blaming China and point to its ballooning surplus with the US, which now exceeds $200bn. In Washington, Congress in particular is gunning for sanctions. A simplified solution is for China to revalue its currency and, if vice-premier Wu Yi received a dollar each time this was requested at this week's bilateral talks, she could almost have returned home and solved the trade deficit single handedly.
If this is the biggest problem facing global stability, then worryingly, there appears to be no managed solution in sight. China is well aware of the negative effect that a strong renminbi would have on its export-fuelled growth and has given no ground. And it wouldn't just be Chinese companies that suffer – little is said about the hit to margins for foreign companies with significant manufacturing exposure to China. A sharp appreciation may also cause a shock to the rest of Asia, which, although receiving a step gain in competitiveness, has been grateful for cheap Chinese imports.
According to school officials, not only has the number of companies recruiting at business schools increased, these companies are also making more visits to campus, and devoting more time and effort to wooing newly minted MBAs.
Recruiting at business schools reached its peak in 1999, but after the technology boom subsided, recruiting and hiring was lacklustre for several years. It has recently started to pick up, and this spring, it is “the healthiest in years”, according to Jonathan Masland, of Tuck School's Career Development office at Dartmouth College.
“Things were still better during the bubble than they are today, but that was irrational,” said Mr Masland. “There is a heightened amount of competition among firms for top MBA talent.”
For instance, the number of companies that came to Tuck this year increased roughly 30 per cent from last year, while the number of office hours offered by companies that recruit at the school was up nearly 70 per cent from the year before.
While big banks and consultancies conduct most recruiting at business schools, boutique investment management groups and real estate companies have recently become a strong presence. In addition, said Mr Masland, consumer packaged goods companies such as Pepsi, as well as information technology companies such as Google and Microsoft, had also ratcheted up management recruiting.
Janet Raiffa, an MBA recruiter for Goldman Sachs, described this year's recruiting season as “extremely competitive” with “more students getting multiple offers”. “Firstly, the market is very strong, and many banks are growing the size of their US programmes,” she said. “Secondly, more financial services employers are expanding internationally and seeking MBAs for a wider array of global locations.”
1999年,商学院招聘活动曾达到顶峰,但科技热潮消退后,招聘活动经历了数年的黯淡时期。达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)塔克商学院(Tuck School of Business)职业发展办公室(Career Development office)的乔纳森•马斯兰德(Jonathan Masland)表示,最近招聘活动开始增多,今年春季是“数年来形势最好”的招聘季节。
高盛(Goldman Sachs)MBA招聘主管珍妮特•赖法(Janet Raiffa)将今年的招聘季节描述为“极具竞争性”,“更多的学生得到了多份工作邀请”。“首先,市场非常强劲,许多银行正扩大其美国项目的规模,”她表示,“其次,更多的金融服务公司正进行全球性扩张,为更多的全球办事处物色MBA。”
Squid Soup With Lotus Root-[dotlife:食]

Remark tbsp -
Mogao Grottoes

The Silk Road was the route that Marco Polo and his other travelers took to trade for spices to preserve meat in China from Europe. The Mogao Caves form a system of 492 temples near Dunhuang, in Gansu province, China. They are also known as the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, Qianfodong , or the Dunhuang Caves. The use of the word "cave" is a bit of a misnomer, since these are not natural, but instead examples of rock-cut architecture.
Local legend says that in 366 CE the Buddhist monk Lezun (樂尊) had a vision of a thousand Buddhas and convinced a wealthy Silk Road pilgrim to fund the first of the temples. The temples eventually grew to number more than a thousand. From the 4th until the 14th century, Buddhist monks at Dunhuang collected scriptures from the west, and many pilgrims passed through the area, painting murals inside the caves. The murals cover 450,000 square feet (42,000 m²). The caves were walled off sometime around the 11th century, after they had become a dumping ground for old, damaged or used manuscripts; the documents were still sacred, and it has been suggested that:
The Mogao Caves are the best known of the Chinese Buddhist grottoes, and along with Longmen and Yungang are one of the three famous ancient sculptural sites of China.
Buddhist monks valued austerity in life, and they hoped that remote caves would aid their quest for enlightenment. The paintings served as aids to meditation, as visual representations of their quest for enlightenment, and as tools to inform illiterate Chinese about Buddhist beliefs and stories.
Around 1900, a Chinese Taoist named Wang Yuan-lu appointed himself guardian of some of these temples. Wang discovered walled up behind one side of a corridor leading to a main cave a small cave which was stuffed with an enormous hoard of manuscripts (all dating from between 406 and 1002 CE: old Chinese hemp paper scrolls, old Tibetan scrolls, paintings on hemp or silk or paper, many damaged figurines of Buddhas, and other Buddhist paraphernalia. The subject matter is diverse: the expected Buddhist canonical works are joined by original commentaries, apocryphal works, workbooks, books of prayers, Confucian works, Taoist works, works from the Chinese government, administrative documents, anthologies, glossaries, dictionaries, calligraphic exercises etc.
Rumors of this discovery brought several European expeditions by 1910: a joint British/Indian group led by Aurel Stein (who took hundreds of copies of the Diamond Sutra because he was unable to read Chinese); a French expedition under Paul Pelliot; a Japanese expedition under Otani Kozui which arrived after the Chinese government's forces; and a Russian expedition under Sergei F. Oldenburg which garnered the least of all. Pelloit was interested in the more unusual and exotic of Wang's manuscripts, such as documents dealing with the administration and financing of the monastery and associated lay men's groups which survived only because they formed a sort of palimpsest in which Buddhist texts (which were why they were preserved) were written on the other side of the paper. The remaining Chinese manuscripts were sent to Peking (Beijing) at the order of the Chinese government (the mass of Tibetan manuscripts remained).
Wang embarked on an ambitious refurbishment of the temples, funded in part by soliciting donations from neighboring towns, and in part by donations from Stein and Pelliot.
Today, the site is an important tourist attraction and the subject of an ongoing archaeological project.
The Mogao Caves became one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1987.
Mogao Caves in popular culture
* The Mogao manuscript trove forms the backdrop of the plotline of the Japanese movie The Silk Road (1988, English subtitles), adapted from a 1959 novel by Yasushi Inoue.* One of the stories from the caves were adapted into a Chinese animation in 1981 titled a A Deer of Nine Colors.
Tai Chi Chuan
Overview Historically, T'ai Chi Ch'uan has been regarded as a martial art, and its traditional practitioners still teach it as one. Even so, it has developed a worldwide following among many thousands of people with little or no interest in martial training for its aforementioned benefits to health and health maintenance. Some call it a form of moving meditation, and T'ai Chi theory and practice evolved in agreement with many of the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Besides general health benefits and stress management attributed to beginning and intermediate level T'ai Chi training, many therapeutic interventions along the lines of traditional Chinese medicine are taught to advanced T'ai Chi students.
The physical training of T'ai Chi Ch'uan is described in the writings of its older schools as being characterized by the use of leverage through the joints based on coordination in relaxation, rather than muscular tension, in order to neutralize or initiate physical attacks. The slow, repetitive work involved in the process of learning how that leverage is generated gently and measurably increases and opens the internal circulation: (breath, body heat, blood, lymph, peristalsis, etc.). Over time, proponents say, this enhancement becomes a lasting effect, a direct reversal of the constricting physical effects of stress on the human body. This reversal allows much more of the students' native energy to be available to them, which they may then apply more effectively to the rest of their lives; families, careers, spiritual or creative pursuits, hobbies, etc.
The study of T'ai Chi Ch'uan involves three primary subjects: Health : An unhealthy or otherwise uncomfortable person will find it difficult to meditate to a state of calmness or to use T'ai Chi as a martial art. T'ai Chi's health training therefore concentrates on relieving the physical effects of stress on the body and mind. Meditation : The focus meditation and subsequent calmness cultivated by the meditative aspect of T'ai Chi is seen as necessary to maintain optimum health (in the sense of effectively maintaining stress relief or homeostasis) and in order to use it as a soft style martial art. Martial art : The ability to competently use T'ai Chi as a martial art is said to be proof that the health and meditation aspects are working according to the dictates of the theory of T'ai Chi Ch'uan.
In its traditional form (many modern variations exist which ignore at least one of the above requirements) every aspect of its training has to conform with all three of the aforementioned categories.
The Mandarin term "T'ai Chi Ch'uan" translates as "Supreme Ultimate Boxing" or "Boundless Fist". T'ai Chi training involves learning solo routines, known as forms, and two person routines, known as pushing hands, as well as acupressure-related manipulations taught by traditional schools. T'ai Chi Ch'uan is seen by many of its schools as a variety of Taoism, and it does seemingly incorporate many Taoist principles into its practice (see below). It is an art form said to date back many centuries (although not reliably documented under that name before 1850), with precursor disciplines dating back thousands of years. The explanation given by the traditional T'ai Chi family schools for why so many of their previous generations have dedicated their lives to the study and preservation of the art is that the discipline it seems to give its students to dramatically improve the effects of stress in their lives, with a few years of hard work, should hold a useful purpose for people living in a stressful world. They say that once the T'ai Chi principles have been understood and internalized into the bodily framework the practitioner will have an immediately accessible "toolkit" thereby to improve and then maintain their health, to provide a meditative focus, and that can work as an effective and subtle martial art for self-defense.
Orthodox T'ai Chi schools say the study of T'ai Chi Ch'uan is studying how to change appropriately in response to outside forces. These principles are taught using the examples of physics as experienced by two (or more) bodies training for combat. In order to be able to protect oneself or someone else by using change, it is necessary to understand what the consequences are of changing appropriately, changing inappropriately and not changing at all in response to an attack. Students, by this theory, will appreciate the full benefits of the entire art in the fastest way through physical training of the martial art aspect.
Training and techniques
As the name T'ai Chi Ch'uan is held to be derived from the T'ai Chi symbol (taijitu or t'ai chi t'u, 太極圖), commonly known in the West as the "yin-yang" diagram, T'ai Chi Ch'uan is therefore said in literature preserved in its oldest schools to be a study of yin (receptive) and yang (active) principles, using terminology found in the Chinese classics, especially the Book of Changes and the Tao Te Ching.
The core training involves two primary features: the first being the solo form (ch'üan or quán, 拳), a slow sequence of movements which emphasize a straight spine, relaxed breathing and a natural range of motion; the second being different styles of pushing hands (t'ui shou, 推手) for training "stickiness" and sensitivity in the reflexes through various motions from the forms in concert with a training partner in order to learn leverage, timing, coordination and positioning when interacting with another. Pushing hands is seen as necessary not only for training the self-defense skills of a soft style such as T'ai Chi by demonstrating the forms' movement principles experientially, but also it is said to improve upon the level of conditioning provided by practice of the solo forms by increasing the workload on students while they practice those movement principles.
The solo form should take the students through a complete, natural, range of motion over their centre of gravity. Accurate, repeated practice of the solo routine is said to retrain posture, encourage circulation throughout the students' bodies, maintain flexibility through their joints and further familiarize students with the martial application sequences implied by the forms. The major traditional styles of T'ai Chi have forms which differ somewhat cosmetically, but there are also many obvious similarities which point to their common origin. The solo forms, empty-hand and weapon, are catalogues of movements that are practised individually in pushing hands and martial application scenarios to prepare students for self-defense training. In most traditional schools different variations of the solo forms can be practiced: fast–slow, small circle–large circle, square–round (which are different expressions of leverage through the joints), low sitting/high sitting (the degree to which weight-bearing knees are kept bent throughout the form), for example.
In a fight, if one uses hardness to resist violent force then both sides are certain to be injured, at least to some degree. Such injury, according to T'ai Chi theory, is a natural consequence of meeting brute force with brute force. The collision of two like forces, yang with yang, is known as "double-weighted" in T'ai Chi terminology. Instead, students are taught not to fight or resist an incoming force, but to meet it in softness and "stick" to it, following its motion while remaining in physical contact until the incoming force of attack exhausts itself or can be safely redirected, the result of meeting yang with yin. Done correctly, achieving this yin/yang or yang/yin balance in combat (and, by extension, other areas of one's life) is known as being "single-weighted" and is a primary goal of T'ai Chi Ch'üan training. Lao Tzu provided the archetype for this in the Tao Te Ching when he wrote, "The soft and the pliable will defeat the hard and strong."
T'ai Chi's martial aspect relies on sensitivity to the opponent's movements and centre of gravity dictating appropriate responses. Effectively affecting or "capturing" the opponent's centre of gravity immediately upon contact is trained as the primary goal of the martial T'ai Chi student. The sensitivity needed to capture the centre is acquired over thousands of hours of first yin (slow, repetitive, meditative, low impact) and then later adding yang ("realistic," active, fast, high impact) martial training; forms, pushing hands and sparring. T'ai Chi Ch'üan trains in three basic ranges, close, medium and long, and then everything in between. Pushes and open hand strikes are more common than punches, and kicks are usually to the legs and lower torso, never higher than the hip in most styles. The fingers, fists, palms, sides of the hands, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, back, hips, knees and feet are commonly used to strike, with strikes to the eyes, throat, heart, groin and other acupressure points trained by advanced students. There is an extensive repertoire of joint traps, locks and breaks (chin na), particularly applied to lock up or break an opponent's elbows, wrists, fingers, ankles, back or neck. Most T'ai Chi teachers expect their students to thoroughly learn defensive or neutralizing skills first, and a student will have to demonstrate proficiency with them before offensive skills will be extensively trained. There is also an emphasis in the traditional schools that one is expected to show wu te (武德), martial virtue or heroism, to protect the defenseless and show mercy to one's opponents.
Other training exercises include:
Weapons training and fencing applications employing the straight sword known as the jian or chien or gim (jiàn 劍), a heavier curved sabre, sometimes called a broadsword or tao (dāo 刀, which is actually considered a big knife), folding fan also called san, wooden staff (2 m) known as kun (棍), 7 foot (2 m) spear and 13 foot (4 m) lance (both called qiāng 槍). More exotic weapons still used by some traditional styles are the large Dadao or Ta Tao (大刀) and Pudao or P'u Tao (撲刀) sabres, halberd (jǐ 戟), cane, rope-dart, three sectional staff, Wind and fire wheels, lasso, whip, chain whip and steel whip.
Two-person tournament sparring (as part of push hands competitions and/or sanshou 散手);
Breathing exercises; nei kung (內功 nèigōng) or, more commonly, ch'i kung (氣功 qìgōng) to develop ch'i (氣 qì) or "breath energy" in coordination with physical movement and post standing or combinations of the two. These were formerly taught only to disciples as a separate, complementary training system. In the last 50 years they have become more well known to the general public.
Styles and history There are five major styles of T'ai Chi Ch'üan, each named after the Chinese family from which it originated:
Chen style (陳氏)
Yang style (楊氏)
Wu or Wu/Hao style of Wu Yu-hsiang (Wu Yuxiang) (武氏)
Wu style of Wu Ch'uan-yü (Wu Quanyuo) and Wu Chien-ch'uan (Wu Jianquan) (吳氏)
Sun style (孫氏)
Zhaobao Tai Chi, a close cousin of Chen style, has been newly recognised by Western practitioners as a distinct style.
The order of seniority is as listed above. The order of popularity is Yang, Wu, Chen, Sun, and Wu/Hao. The first five major family styles share much underlying theory, but differ in their approaches to training.
In the modern world there are now dozens of new styles, hybrid styles and offshoots of the main styles, but the five family schools are the groups recognised by the international community as being orthodox. The designation internal or nei chia martial arts is also used to broadly distinguish what are known as the external or wai chia styles based on the Shaolinquan styles, although that distinction is sometimes disputed by modern schools. In this broad sense, among many T'ai Chi schools all styles of T'ai Chi (as well as related arts such as Pa Kua Chang and Hsing-i Ch'üan) are therefore considered to be "soft" or "internal" martial arts. Many styles list in their history that Taijiquan was originally formulated by a Taoist monk called Zhang Sanfeng and taught by him in the Taoist monasteries at Wu Tang Shan. Some consider that what is practised under that name today may be a modern back-formation based on stories and popular veneration of Zhang Sanfeng (see below) as well as the martial fame of the Wu Tang monastery (there are many other martial art styles historically associated with Wu Tang besides T'ai Chi).
When tracing T'ai Chi Ch'üan's formative influences to Taoist and Buddhist monasteries, one has little more to go on than legendary tales from a modern historical perspective, but T'ai Chi Ch'üan's practical connection to and dependence upon the theories of Sung dynasty Neo-Confucianism (a conscious synthesis of Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian traditions, esp. the teachings of Mencius) is readily apparent to its practitioners. The philosophical and political landscape of that time in Chinese history is fairly well documented. T'ai Chi Ch'üan's theories and practice are therefore believed by some schools to have been formulated by the Taoist monk Zhang Sanfeng in the 12th century, at about the same time that the principles of the Neo-Confucian school were making themselves felt in Chinese intellectual life. Zhang Sanfeng as a young man studied Tao Yin (導引, Pinyin dǎoyǐn) breathing exercises from his Taoist teachers and martial arts at the Buddhist Shaolin monastery, eventually combining the martial forms and breathing exercises to formulate the soft or internal principles we associate with T'ai Chi Ch'üan and related martial arts. Zhang Sanfeng is also the noted creator of the original 13 Movements of Tai Chi Chuan. These 13 movements are in all forms of Tai Chi Chuan. This is also why many modern Tai Chi schools recognize him, as the creator of Tai Chi Chuan. Its subsequent fame attributed to his teaching, Wu Tang monastery was known thereafter as an important martial center for many centuries, its many styles of internal kung fu preserved and refined at various Taoist temples.
Modern T'ai Chi
T'ai Chi has become very popular in the last twenty years or so, as the baby boomers age and T'ai Chi's reputation for ameliorating the effects of aging becomes more well-known. Hospitals, clinics, community and senior centers are all hosting T'ai Chi classes in communities around the world. As a result of this popularity, there has been some divergence between those who say they practice T'ai Chi primarily for fighting, those who practice it for its aesthetic appeal (as in the shortened, modern, theatrical "Taijiquan" forms of wushu, see below), and those who are more interested in its benefits to physical and mental health. The wushu aspect is primarily for show; the forms taught for those purposes are designed to earn points in competition and are mostly unconcerned with either health maintenance or martial ability. More traditional stylists still see the two aspects of health and martial arts as equally necessary pieces of the puzzle, the yin and yang of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. The T'ai Chi "family" schools therefore still present their teachings in a martial art context whatever the intention of their students in studying the art.
Along with Yoga, it is one of the fastest growing fitness and health maintenance activities, in terms of numbers of students enrolling in classes. Since there is no universal certification process and most Westerners haven't seen very much T'ai Chi and don't know what to look for, practically anyone can learn or even make up a few moves and call themselves a teacher. This is especially prevalent in the New Age community. Relatively few of these teachers even know that there are martial applications to the T'ai Chi forms. Those who do know that it is a martial art usually don't teach martially themselves. If they do teach self-defense, it is often a mixture of motions which the teachers think look like T'ai Chi Ch'üan with some other system. While this phenomenon may have made some external aspects of T'ai Chi available for a wider audience, the traditional T'ai Chi family schools see the martial focus as a fundamental part of their training, both for health and self-defense purposes. They claim that while the students may not need to practice martial applications themselves to derive a benefit from T'ai Chi training, they assert that T'ai Chi teachers at least should know the martial applications to ensure that the movements they teach are done correctly and safely by their students. Also, working on the ability to protect oneself from physical attack (one of the most stressful things that can happen to a person) certainly falls under the category of complete "health maintenance." For these reasons they claim that a school not teaching those aspects somewhere in their syllabus cannot be said to be actually teaching the art itself, and will be much less likely to be able to reproduce the full health benefits that made T'ai Chi's reputation in the first place.
Sport competition
In order to standardize T'ai Chi Ch'uan for wushu tournament judging, and because many of the family T'ai Chi Ch'uan teachers had either moved out of China or had been forced to stop teaching after the Communist regime was established in 1949, the government sponsored Chinese Sports Committee brought together four of their wushu teachers to truncate the Yang family hand form to 24 postures in 1956. They wanted to somehow retain the look of T'ai Chi Ch'uan but make an easy to remember routine that was less difficult to teach and much less difficult to learn than longer (generally 88 to 108 posture) classical solo hand forms. In 1976, they developed a slightly longer form also for the purposes of demonstration that still didn't involve the complete memory, balance and coordination requirements of the traditional forms. This was a combination form, the Combined 48 Forms that were created by three wushu coaches headed by Professor Men Hui Feng. The combined forms were created based on simplifying and combining some features of the classical forms from four of the original styles; Ch'en, Yang, Wu, and Sun. As T'ai Chi again became popular on the Mainland, more competitive forms were developed to be completed within a six-minute time limit. In the late-1980s, the Chinese Sports Committee standardized many different competition forms. They developed sets said to represent the four major styles as well as combined forms. These five sets of forms were created by different teams, and later approved by a committee of wushu coaches in China. All sets of forms thus created were named after their style, e.g., the Ch'en Style National Competition Form is the 56 Forms, and so on. The combined forms are The 42 Form or simply the Competition Form. Even though shorter modern forms don't have the conditioning benefits of the classical forms, the idea was to take what they felt were distinctive cosmetic features of these styles and to express them in a shorter time for purposes of competition. Another modern form is the 67 movements Combined Tai-Chi Chuan form. This form was created in the 1950s during a series of meetings with the goal to create standardized forms for China. It contains characteristics of the Yang, Wu, Sun, Chen and Fu styles blended into a combined form. Perhaps the most notable exponent of the 67 Combined is wushu coach Bow Sim Mark.
These modern versions of T'ai Chi Ch'uan (almost always listed using the pinyin romanisation Taijiquan) have since become an integral part of international wushu tournament competition, and have been featured in several popular Chinese movies starring or choreographed by well known wushu competitors, such as Jet Li and Donnie Yen.
In the 11th Asian Games of 1990, wushu was included as an item for competition for the first time with the 42 Form being chosen to represent T'ai Chi. The International Wushu Federation (IWUF) applied for wushu to be part of the Olympic games, but were denied official status for the sport
Health benefitsResearchers have found that long-term T'ai Chi practice had favorable effects on the promotion of balance control, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness and reduced the risk of falls in elders. The studies also reported reduced pain, stress and anxiety in healthy subjects. Other studies have indicated improved cardiovascular and respiratory function in healthy subjects as well as those who had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery. Patients also benefited from T'ai Chi who suffered from heart failure, high blood pressure, heart attacks, arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
T'ai Chi has also been shown to reduce the symptoms of young Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) sufferers. T'ai Chi's gentle, low impact movements surprisingly burn more calories than surfing and nearly as many as downhill skiing. T'ai Chi also boosts aspects of the immune system's function very significantly, and has been shown to reduce the incidence of anxiety, depression, and overall mood disturbance. (See research citations listed below.)
A pilot study has found evidence that T'ai Chi and related qigong helps reduce the severity of diabetes.
Citations to medical research
Wolf SL, Sattin RW, Kutner M. Intense T'ai Chi exercise training and fall occurrences in older, transitionally frail adults: a randomized, controlled trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2003 Dec; 51(12):1693–701. PMID 14687346
Wang C, Collet JP, Lau J. The effect of Tai Chi on health outcomes in patients with chronic conditions: a systematic review. Arch Intern Med. 2004 Mar 8;164(5):493–501. PMID 15006825
Search a listing of articles relating to the FICSIT trials and T'ai Chi
Hernandez-Reif, M., Field, T.M., & Thimas, E. (2001). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: benefits from Tai Chi. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 5(2):120–3, 2001 Apr, 5(23 ref), 120-123
Calorie Burning Chart
Tai Chi boosts T-Cell counts in immune system
Changes in Heart Rate, Noradrenaline, Cortisol and Mood During Tai Chi. (American Psychological Association) Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1989, 33(2):197–206
A comprehensive listing of Tai Chi medical research links
References to medical publications
Tai Chi a promising remedy for diabetes, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 20 December, 2005 – Pilot study of Qigong and tai chi in diabetes sufferers.
Health Research Articles on "Tai Chi as Health Therapy" for many issues, i.e. ADHD, Cardiac Health & Rehabilitation, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Menopause, Bone Loss, Weight Loss, etc.
Yellow Emperor

Yellow Emperor, Mandarin Huangdi, legendary Chinese ruler and culture hero; tradition holds that he reigned from 2697 B.C. to 2597 B.C. He is one of the mythical prehistoric emperors who supposedly created the basic elements of Chinese civilization. His wife is said to have developed silk production. Along with the semimythical Lao Tzu, he was associated in the traditional Chinese folk culture with the founding of Taoism.
The Yellow Emperor or Huang Di is a legendary Chinese sovereign and cultural hero who is said to be the ancestor of all Han Chinese. One of the Five Emperors, the Yellow Emperor is said by tradition to have reigned from 2698 BC to 2599 BC.
The legend of his westwards retreat in the war against the eastern Emperor Chi You at the Battle of Zhuolu is seen as the establishment of the Han Chinese nationality.
Among his other accomplishments, the Yellow Emperor has been credited with the invention of the principles of Traditional Chinese medicine. The Huangdi Neijing (黄帝内經 The Medical Canon of the Yellow Emperor) was supposedly composed in collaboration with his physician Qi Bó. However, modern historiographers generally consider it to have been compiled from ancient sources by a scholar living between the Zhou and Han dynasties, more than 2,000 years later. His interest in natural health and preventing and treating diseases meant he is said to have lived to the age of 100, and to have attained immortality after his physical death.
In the legend, his wife Lúo Zǔ taught the Chinese how to weave the silk from silkworms, and his historian Cāng Jié created the first Chinese characters.
Legend says that the Yellow Emperor invented a magical compass during a battle against Chi You who used a sandstorm as camouflage to hide his army. Thanks to the compass, the Yellow Emperor found out where Chi You was and defeated him. The swirling chair in his chariot was also a compass so that he would always face south, which the Chinese people consider to be good Feng Shui. He is also said to have played a part in the creation of the Guqin, together with Fuxi and Shennong, and to have invented the earliest form of the Chinese calendar, and its current sexagenary cycles are counted based on his reign.
Huang Di captured Bai Ze atop Mount Dongwang. The beast described to him all the 11,520 types of monsters, shapeshifters, demons, and spirits in the world. Huang Di's retainer recorded this in pictures, which later became the book "Bai Ze Tu", which no longer exists.
Huang Di was euhemerized from a mythical god during the early Zhou Dynasty into a legendary emperor during the late Zhou dynasty—his lengendary deeds were embellished along the way.
Huang Di appears as a God in the strategy game Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom made by Sierra Entertainment, now a division of Vivendi.
In the game he is a patron of hunting and has the skills needed for leading men into battle.
There have been TV dramas made in mainland China depicting the life of Huang Di. However, their historical accuracy is questionable. They are semi-fictional because their focus is mainly on martial arts, Wuxia and drama.
The Yellow Emperor serves as the hero in Jorge Luis Borges' story, "The Fauna of the Mirror." British fantasy writer China Miéville used this story as the basis for his novella "The Tain", which describes a post-apocalyptic London. "The Tain" was recently included in Miéville's short story collection "Looking For Jake."
Ms Wu said China would "fight to the end" against a case on intellectual property rights brought by the US before the World Trade Organisation
The warning followed a round of strategic economic talks in which the Chinese made minimal concessions to US demands for trade liberalisation and greater currency flexibility.
Grant Aldonas, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said trade cases brought by the US in recent months, such as the case over movie, music and book piracy, had undermined the diplomatic effort led this week by Hank Paulson, US Treasury secretary.
Mr Aldonas, a former administration official, said: "It is clear the Treasury did not succeed at managing the internal process when it came to trade sanctionsinitiated by the the commerce department and [US Trade Representative]," he said.
Ms Wu warned that the US intellectual property case would "have serious impact on bilateral IPR co-operation" currently carried out through the US-China joint commission on commerce and trade.
In a robust speech late on the 24 May she also defended China's decision to open its financial sector at a gradual pace, saying this was essential because its domestic financial institutions were still at a "relatively low level" of development.
However, she promised to take a direct appeal by George W. Bush, US president, that China lift restrictions on the sale of US beef to Chinese President Hu Jintao and "try to find a solution to the problem".
The vice-premier reiterated the importance of the US-China strategic economic dialogue. She said the US and China had complementary economic interests and added that "any effort to politicise economic and trade matters and resort to trade protectionism can do nothing but damage".
战略与国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)研究员格兰特•阿尔杜那斯(Grant Aldonas)表示,最近数月,美国提出的贸易诉讼(例如电影、音乐和图书盗版诉讼)已破坏了美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(Hank Paulson)上周发起的外交努力。
然而,她承诺将把美国总统乔治•布什(George W. Bush)提出的中国限制美国牛肉在华销售的问题,直接汇报给中国国家主席胡锦涛,“看看怎么解决”。
Foreign banks may not profit in China for a decade, says KPMG

More than 70 overseas banks now operate in China, having invested billions of dollars in the sector over the past five years. Several have raised expectations that local joint ventures would deliver early returns.
However, the report, partly based on a survey of foreign and local banking executives, suggests that executives are becoming increasingly bearish about the prospects of making profits from their operating ventures in the short-to-medium term, though many have earned handsome paper profits from equity stakes in state-owned banks that have listed in Hong Kong or Shanghai.
Citigroup, Royal Bank of Scotland and HSBC are among the overseas banks to have launched co-branded cards with local banks, while rivals such as Bank of America and Deutsche Bank are waiting to launch.
Card transactions in China have risen massively in recent years but the growth has largely been via debit cards, 700m of which are now in circulation. China's 1.3bn consumers have a cultural aversion to revolving credit, as well as $2,000bn in personal savings to fund purchases.
The report says: “Average merchant fees are about 60 basis points, meaning little profit for [credit card] issuers.” It offers an equally pessimistic outlook for the mortgage sector with industry players “worried that intense competition will hit profits”.
Overseas executives also accept that it will be tough to win market share from established former state-owned lenders, who boast a combined 75,000 branches nationwide.
KMPG suggests that foreign lenders adopt a “steady and prudent” entry into developed [mortgage] markets such as Beijing and Shanghai, “though fears of a property bubble are never too far from a banker's thoughts”.
The report says that overseas lenders need to find creative distribution channels, such as mobile phone banking or partnerships with large insurance companies .
花旗集团(Citigroup)、苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)和汇丰(HSBC)等海外银行已经与当地银行推出了联名卡,而美国银行(Bank of America)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)等竞争对手正等着推出这种卡。