Bank of China is to ask shareholders for permission to issue up to Rmb3bn ($392m) in renminbi bonds in Hong Kong, in what could be the first such issuance in the territory.
BoC said yesterday it would seek shareholder authorisation at its June 14 annual general meeting to sell “renminbi-denominated bonds in Hong Kong for an amount not exceeding Rmb3bn”.
It did not specify when a sale might happen.
In January, the Hong Kong and Chinese governments announced that mainland financial institutions would be permitted to issue renminbi bonds in the territory.
Last month, China Construction Bank signalled its intention to sell up to Rmb5bn in subordinated bonds in Hong Kong.
According to Haizhou Huang, at Barclay's Capital in Hong Kong, the launch of the first overseas renminbi investment vehicle was symbolically important.
“It's potentially a major step forward towards capital account liberalisation,” he said.
Hong Kong government and financial authorities had lobbied for the reform ever since the city's banks were allowed to accept renminbi deposits from local residents in 2003 and from selected businesses two years later.
The territory hopes to establish itself as an offshore centre for renminbi business, as China experiments with measures to liberalise its closed capital account.
Hong Kong's renminbi pool remains small. According to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, as of the end of March the territory's banks held just Rmb25.2bn in renminbi deposits.
Renminbi deposits have failed to take off in Hong Kong partly because interest rates remain paltry, as local banks are not allowed to re-lend deposits in mainland China. Banks and depositors are therefore expected to flock to higher interest-bearing bonds issued by the likes of BoC and CCB.
“Hong Kong banks are not allowed to invest their renminbi in a meaningful way,” Mr Huang said. “Bonds will help generate demand for renminbi and grow a more liquid market in Hong Kong.”
巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)驻香港的黄海洲表示,在海外发行首只人民币投资工具,具有重要的象征意义。