

Beijing has issued a sharp warning to the US that it will resist pressure to accelerate economic reforms. The warning came at the end of a visit to Washington by Wu Yi, China's vice-premier.
Ms Wu said China would "fight to the end" against a case on intellectual property rights brought by the US before the World Trade Organisation
The warning followed a round of strategic economic talks in which the Chinese made minimal concessions to US demands for trade liberalisation and greater currency flexibility.
Grant Aldonas, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said trade cases brought by the US in recent months, such as the case over movie, music and book piracy, had undermined the diplomatic effort led this week by Hank Paulson, US Treasury secretary.
Mr Aldonas, a former administration official, said: "It is clear the Treasury did not succeed at managing the internal process when it came to trade sanctionsinitiated by the the commerce department and [US Trade Representative]," he said.
Ms Wu warned that the US intellectual property case would "have serious impact on bilateral IPR co-operation" currently carried out through the US-China joint commission on commerce and trade.
In a robust speech late on the 24 May she also defended China's decision to open its financial sector at a gradual pace, saying this was essential because its domestic financial institutions were still at a "relatively low level" of development.
However, she promised to take a direct appeal by George W. Bush, US president, that China lift restrictions on the sale of US beef to Chinese President Hu Jintao and "try to find a solution to the problem".
The vice-premier reiterated the importance of the US-China strategic economic dialogue. She said the US and China had complementary economic interests and added that "any effort to politicise economic and trade matters and resort to trade protectionism can do nothing but damage".


战略与国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)研究员格兰特•阿尔杜那斯(Grant Aldonas)表示,最近数月,美国提出的贸易诉讼(例如电影、音乐和图书盗版诉讼)已破坏了美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(Hank Paulson)上周发起的外交努力。
然而,她承诺将把美国总统乔治•布什(George W. Bush)提出的中国限制美国牛肉在华销售的问题,直接汇报给中国国家主席胡锦涛,“看看怎么解决”。


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